Ad Display App

This application is developed to help users to display their ads by finding the best advertisers nearby them. With a great list of advertisers, they can select their preferred advertiser and then submit the details of the ads they want to display.

Technology Used:
  • Android
  • iOS 10 & 11
  • MySQL 5
  • PHP
  • Xamarin

Project Type

The application will allow the user to download the app from the app store by scanning the QR code after which they would be able to view the list of advertisers on the mobile app. They can select the advertisers and can submit their details. All the information submitted by the user would be recorded in the database and admin can view all the information associated with the user. Admin can further send information such as the list of users registered against that advertiser to the advertiser through the platform.

  • Android
  • iOS 10 & 11
  • MySQL 5
  • PHP
  • Xamarin

Key Challenges

  • The first biggest challenge was to develop a unique advertiser app as there were already present many on the play store.
  • The next biggest challenge was to increase the visibility of application among the right users so that their business can prosper with the right people in order to help them in getting a tailored job.
  • It was, however, difficult to draw a cluster view and multi-language feature which can help in providing more engagement to its users.

Proposition & Solution

  • We implemented several categories/subcategories in the application to keep things organized and structured to make it easy for the users to search their respective advertisers.
  • We ensured quality coding and testing before the delivery.
  • We have deployed many new and advanced features so that it can create a unique healthcare app as compared to other apps.
  • Search functionality was made intuitive to enable it to return the accurate results.

Our Development Process

  • The Discovery Phase- Our business analysts performed a lot of research and brainstorming before the app development process. At the end of the discovery phase the “Who, Why What, When and Where” of the project were thoroughly scrutinized.
  • The Execution Phase- After gathering all the nuts and bolts to proceed, it was time for project execution. Our designers, developers and quality analysts followed the agile development process for execution and worked side-by-side to achieve the project aims. Our project managers also did regular reviews to check the progress of the project went smoothly and according to the time.
  • Sprint Base Project Delivery-We took the client’s feedback on each stage of development and applied the feedback in the project. It helped us to meet the client’s expectations in the best possible manner.
  • The Deployment Phase- Now, the final app was ready to be unleashed on the world after a rigorous development & testing period. We deployed the app in the app store.

Salient Features

  • Gives big discounts to the advertisers.
  • Provide the list of best advertisers in your nearby locations.
  • Support ad types: Banner, JS tags, pop-under, overlays and more.
  • Self-serve dashboard or managed account (you choose).
  • Detailed reports and Macros.

Results & Benefits

The final product is a high performing, feature packed, an easy-to-use advertiser app that helps users display their ads in front of their target audience. It is not only appreciated by the client but also highly acknowledged by its users.

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