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Software Development risks - featured image

No software development is free from risks. Also, not all these risks are equal. Some risks in software development pose a more significant threat to the project’s success than others.

You may find it surprising, but approximately $5473 million were spent worldwide for handling integrated risk management in the IT industry in 2024, says Statista.

Moreover, Statista lists the global average cybersecurity threat at 54%, with countries like software development in India & Brazil facing cyber crime rates as high as 76% and 69%, respectively.

With a rising number of online hazards, software development risks have become a primary concern for established SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Enterprises, etc.

To ensure that your business understands and manages these risks, we have compiled a list of the top 12 common risks in software development, as well as strategies for mitigating these risks.

Before diving into the list, let me give you a quick overview of the software market.

Business Software

Source: Grandviewresearch

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Common Risks in Software Development

Here are the common risks in software development:

1. Error in Scope Definition
2. Failure to work with the right people
3. Lack of transparency
4. Not choosing the right technology
5. Not using Agile Software Development Methodology
6. The time frame is not specified for project deliverables
7. Not negotiating rates with the company/team
8. Not understanding Scope Creep
9. Not taking responsibility for software quality
10. Not using reliable software tools
11. Not using a reputable company or team
12. Not testing the application

Let’s discuss each of these points in detail.

1. Error in Scope Definition

Common causes of scope creep

The scope is part of the project and is also considered a potent way of escaping common risks in software development. It determines how much work will be done and what features need to be developed.

Your software does not function correctly if the scope is not well-defined. A lack of clarity in scope-defining could lead to the failure of your product and a terrible user experience with it.

Solution – You should work with a software product development company that can clearly define the project scope and explain how they will do it. Here are some points to keep in mind while doing so-

  • The process should be collaborative, allowing you and the development team to provide feedback.
  • Define the core scope of your product, which will make it easier for developers to give suggestions on how best to achieve it.
  • Before finalizing a specification document, ask questions like- what is possible or impossible within your budget.
    You can also ask the developers if there is a better solution.

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2. Failure to Work With the Right People

Working with an offshore development team can be risky if you cannot identify their skills and expertise for your software. A lack of communication or miscommunication could result in considerable delays or notable cost overruns. It is one of the most significant risks in software development. You may end up paying more than the agreed amount.

Solution – If you don’t know how to choose the best team, consider these points-

  • Identify the problem you need to solve and list down all of your requirements.
  • Make a comparison between different groups available on sites like Elance or Upwork.
  • Ask about their development process, testing strategy, and past projects they completed.
  • Don’t forget to ask for references from past clients they have worked with.
  • Communicate with potential candidates through Skype, phone, or email to make sure they can solve your problem.

3. Lack of Transparency

Many companies hire a team and hand them over the project documentation without realizing whether they have all the required information about the deliverables. The results are usually delayed deliveries, extra costs, and reduced quality. In extreme cases, development may halt if the software company cannot deliver something you want in the final product.

Solution – Every project needs to have a clear line of communication between both sides, which should be maintained throughout its development. For this, you can-

  • Set up a shared repository- where both parties can upload tasks and deadlines.
  • Conduct regular video and audio calls to discuss the project status.
  • Keep a note of all activities to track progress and tackle security risks in software development with advanced resolution.
  • You should also try to contact your sales rep or customer success manager to notify you if there is any problem with the team they work with.

4. Not Choosing the Right Technology

Not Choosing the Right Technology - risks in software development

Choosing the right technology is essential, as it could make or break your project. Using inappropriate software or programming language can increase costs and reduce productivity. Notably, the lack of detailed research on the programming language and tools is one of software development’s most common technical risks. It alters the desired result at the end of the development process.

Solution –

  • Identify your primary needs before considering available options for developing an application.
  • Avoid using outdated technologies just because the development team is familiar with them.
  • Ensure you can work with an experienced software team to create new languages.

Also Read: Latest Web Development Technologies

5. Not Using Agile Software Development Methodology

Not Using Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile methodology focuses on constant improvement and achieving predictable outcomes. It reverses the traditional model of developing software first and testing it later. Agile methodology helps you improve your problem-solving skills, keep pace with the market requirements, and complete the project without delays.

Solution –

  • Hire software developers who are professionally trained in agile development or have experience working with it.
  • Ensure that they use efficient methods to prioritize tasks on your project.
  • The software company should be willing to share project details with you at every step of the journey.

6. Time Frame is not Specified for Project Deliverables

If time frames are not discussed up front, it could result in missed deadlines, and your app may not launch when it’s supposed to. It can affect your credibility in the industry and cause potential revenue loss.

Solution –

  • Discuss the project timeline with your software company to determine deadlines for each task and deliverables.
  • Include all aspects of app development- from design to testing phases in this timeline.
  • You should also be aware of weekly or monthly updates from the software team instead of waiting for end-of-project updates.

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7. Not Negotiating Rates with the Company/Team

Team 1

If you fail to negotiate rates with the software development company, you could pay more than necessary for making changes in your application during the development process. This usually happens if both parties do not agree on fixed rates before starting the project.

Solution – You can avoid this if you:

  • Discuss the project costs and rates beforehand.
  • Ensure that your software company can handle different services you want to outsource for your development process.
  • Develop a transparent communication system where both parties share updates regularly.

Also Read: Software Development – Cost, Features, and Security Measures

8. Not Understanding Scope Creep

When additional or new requirements are added after the project is in progress, it’s known as scope creep. It can slow down your project and cause delays. This may also result in additional costs if the changes to the project are not communicated prior.

Solution –

  • Before starting a project, you should discuss all possible changes with your software company.
  • Include elements such as design, development, and testing in appropriate phases of the development process.

9. Not Taking Responsibility for Software Quality

Rather than relying on your developers, you should take complete responsibility for the project at your end. It enables you to monitor progress, tackles security risks in software development, and ensures that the project is developed according to requirements.

Solution –

  • Meet with team members or use Web conference tools to stay in touch with the development process.
  • Exchange emails with the team daily to discuss project details.
  • Schedule regular calls to remain updated on software testing, the progress of work, and deliverables.

Also Read: Customer Journey Mapping Tools to get user insights

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10. Not Using Reliable Software Tools

You should always use up-to-date tools for managing your development process. It is important because these tools help you efficiently manage your software development process and provide reports with accurate details on the project.

Solution –

Use cloud computing tools such as JIRA to improve communication between team members and stakeholders.
They also help you track time, testing cycles, the progress of work, and other data related to your project.

Also Read: Top 11 Customer Journey Mapping Tools to get user insights

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11. Not Using a Reputable Company or Team

It’s a common mistake to hire the cheapest company for outsourcing mobile app development projects. You can’t always measure the results or performance of your company by just looking at costs. You should hire a reliable company with years of experience in this industry.

Solution –

You should always do your research and find out about other companies in the industry before hiring one. Reputable companies may not provide the best rates but are more reliable when meeting deadlines, providing high-quality work, and regularly managing your project.

12. Not Testing the Application

Not Testing the Application 2

If you fail to test the final product, there are chances that users will encounter problems with your software. It results in poor reviews and criticism of the app on various social media platforms.

Solution –

  • You should always test your application before handing it over to developers.
  • Use various tools and techniques for testing, such as beta testing or focus groups, to improve the overall software quality.
  • Use Web conference tools such as GoToMeeting to exchange views with team members on project details.
  • Chat with them over Skype or Google+ Hangouts.
  • Take the responsibility of ensuring app quality at your end.

Some Additional Tips for Business Owners

  • You should adhere to a strict timeline, so the team does not waste time.
  • You should plan your projects well ahead of time to recruit new members when necessary.
    One needs to ensure that the team is aware of the risks associated with the project and uses proper tools to help them
  • communicate with each other.
  • Business owners should also build a good rapport with the client and be aware of changes in the client’s requirements throughout the project.
  • Last but not least, you must ensure that the team is aware of the risks associated with the project and try to use the proper tools to help them write code quickly and efficiently.

Also Read: Automation in Software Development- A New Stream of Revolution

Final Thoughts

The business owner should ensure that the team is aware of the risks associated with the project and use proper tools to help them write code quickly and efficiently.

They should also adhere to a strict timeline to avoid wasting time while eliminating software development risks.

Last but not least, they should try to have regular meetings so everyone knows what is happening in the project. It helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that the project is completed on time.

Thanks for reading! We hope you have found it helpful.


Varun Bhagat

IT Consultant

As a seasoned IT Consultant, I bring over six years of experience in driving revenue growth and fostering strong client relationships in the staff augmentation sector.

With a solid foundation in building strong relationships and a strategic approach to sales, I am committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive success for my clients. At ValueCoders, we connect businesses with the top 1% of dedicated software coders in India, providing the expertise and support needed to effectively achieve their specific project goals.

Following are some of the key technologies offered by our pool of 650+ pre-vetted professionals:

  • Java
  • .NET
  • PHP
  • C++ & Qt
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • iOS (Obj-C / Swift)
  • Android (Java / Kotlin)

Explore more of my work: Datafloq | Issuu | Medium | Milesweb | Hostreview | Crowdforthink | Experfy | Kovair | Hashnode | Ideacafe | Nextscoop

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