In a world where digitization is entering every sector, learning has also gone digital. It won’t surprise us to see how mLearning mobile applications are trending in the electronic media world.

The idea of on-demand tutor apps got more famous after the worldwide pandemic, which led to the shutting down of schools, colleges, and other educational institutes. Investors are showing interest in developing these personalized learning apps like never before.

If you are also into the educational business, creating an application for your institute must have crossed your mind. But with great ideas come significant responsibilities. So, you must know these 15 outstanding features to make your tutor app successful.

If you are motivated enough, you can get in touch with a top mobile app development service provider and become successful. Let us discuss the areas you need to focus on.

Features of Online On-demand Tutor Apps

Online on-demand tutor apps have revolutionized how students access education, offering flexible and personalized learning experiences. Here are some of the key features that make these apps effective and user-friendly:

Must have Features in Tutor App

1. One-step login

You want as many people as possible to download and use the app. But gone are the days of long signup models. First-time users may not want to stay for long. Thus, make it easy for them to access the app.

Facebook or Google’s subscription option instantly satisfies users and convinces them to discover the app’s content. If you want to keep it official, requesting an email, name, age, and mobile phone number should suffice. But no more than that. It’s best not to complicate things by having users create mind-draining usernames.

2. Smart search option

The first thing a user would do is search for relevant learning material. So, what will you do to optimize this critical step? You have to implement a smart search that finds keywords instantly.

An ordinary software developer will miss out on the basic functionality that users expect. The user search scope is limited, so target all the short-tail / long-tail keywords an average user might type.

3. Full coverage of the study program

As of now, there are many hosts of successful on-demand tutor apps around the world including brands like BYJUs and many more. In all these applications, the lessons have been developed in such a way that the entire study program is covered in a stipulated period of time.

Therefore, if you plan to build your tutor mobile app, you should focus on covering the entire syllabus for each degree in detail.

4. Interactive visual learning

While focusing on the K-12 group, visual studies are essential for children to remember concepts for life. Video lessons enriched with animations are designed so that even the most complicated ideas can be easily understood.

Not only does the video quality remain high, but also interactive. This increases user participation. Allowing users to download the video for offline viewing is another way to increase customer loyalty.

5. Chapter-wise tests

Adding quizzes by chapter is essential, as students need to know where they stand with their knowledge as soon as the chapter ends. Your m-learning mobile app should have a mock test built in along with other sample questions. These tests help students keep track of their progress and learn better.

6. Integrated chats

Built-in chats allow students to message their personal coaches/mentors in times of need. This could help them understand any material within the selected course.

7. Complete analysis and performance monitoring

It’s easy for students to get an overview of their performance, as well as they can track their performance by taking regular tests. This will help them plan better for their future accomplishments.

8. Adaptive learning

Lessons loaded into the app should be custom designed to meet the needs of each student. The teaching style should be highly adaptable as well as interactive. This is what makes mobile tutor apps useful.

9. Role-based dashboard

The whole concept behind the role-based dashboard is that it will display particular tasks and privileges for the user and help them take appropriate actions. The on-demand tutor mobile applications, when desired, can also restrict the content of the information specific to your role.

10. Third-party integrations

Many third-party integrations help perform several tasks in on-demand tutor apps, such as making calls, sending emails, handling inquiries, and much more.

Now let us discuss certain advanced features that will help you as a company compete with prevailing apps.

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Advanced Features of On-Demand Tutor App

On-demand tutor apps are entirely changing the education industry by providing parents and kids unparalleled ease and flexibility. The following are some of the sophisticated features that make these apps unique:

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1. Compatibility with multiple devices

You can never control which device the user will experiment with or force your application to run on, due to which it must be accessible on all major devices and operating systems.

As an educational app development company, we see another trend emerging: progressive web apps. Mobile app development could get expensive as you continue to add features to the design. As a result, the PWA concept is quickly catching up with budget-minded providers.

2. Group mode

Discipline is tough. Isn’t it? But it is easier to do something difficult when others support us. Similarly, studying in a group makes the experience worthwhile. If students can collaborate and learn a particular topic together, nothing like it. They could help each other understand the topic through live interaction or by posing questions to an instructor.

Having a kaleidoscopic experience as an e-learning application development company, we know exactly how to make this feature stand out with audiovisual effects and multi-format content sharing.

3. Stream on TV make your tutor app successful

With smart TVs becoming common, the sheer exclusivity of this feature would put your app in a league of its own. Imagine learning from an on-demand tutor app, with the entire session broadcast on television. It’s like watching a sitcom with your parents. Streaming removes the unwarranted seriousness of the image and makes users enjoy it without realizing it.

4. Quiz to earn points

If you want to increase the usability of your m-Learning mobile application, you can incorporate this feature. Through this, multiple students can join the quiz provided by your app to earn points. These points can be used as discount coupons.

5. Free subscription and Paid subscription

You should add this feature in your mLearning mobile app if you provide students with massive, advanced study materials, including videos and solved quizzes.

Another thing you can add is a free trial tenure for 20 or 30 days. During the free subscription, you can allow a certain percentage of access to the user.

Now, let’s consider the panels and their particular characteristics:

1. Admin Panel

Subscription Management:

The administrator must have the right to manage all subscriptions for the application; the user has owned. For example:

  • Request to activate
  • Price of items
  • Delete user subscriptions
  • Update or renew user subscriptions
  • Edit the subscription article

Manage Courses:

Tutorials/ebooks/videos uploaded by tutors can be reviewed by the administrator and decide whether to publish it in the application or not. The administrator will be able to see all the courses and their reading material added by the tutor.

The Administrator can:

  • Look for study materials
  • Add or remove content
  • Change the price of the courses
  • Add or edit time slots for tutors
  • Add filters for both student and tutors
  • You can view the transaction history
  • You can track users’ orders how to make your on-demand tutor app successful

2. Tutor Panel


A tutor can register in the application using their email IDs or their contact number. The administrator will review the request and then provide a unique code to log in.

Chat and Interaction:

This feature should be available on the Student and Tutor dashboards. It will help them interact with each other.

Content Upload:

The tutor’s panel must have the option to upload media, files, and other content for the study material of the different courses, all this under the administrator’s control.

3. Student Panel


A student can register in the application using their email IDs or their contact number.


Once registered, students can easily log in to the app by simply clicking the login button and providing the required details.

Password Reset:

Users can reset their passwords according to their needs. They will receive a reset link in their registered mail ID.

Course Selection:

The user can select and manage their course with this option.

Mock Test:

This option will display the mock tests available for that subscribed course and the scorecards of those who attended.

Tutor Interaction:

A student with a premium subscription can interact with the tutors. This can be done through text messages or video calls as possible.

Course History:

Students can keep a record of the courses they have attended.

Check Out: 25 Top App Development Companies

After the dashboard features, let us get to the technologies to work on to create on-demand tutor applications.

Used Technologies

1. Cloud Integration: how to make your on-demand tutor app successful

These days, with the rise of technologies, the storage options for everything have changed. Moving towards online storage is everyone’s choice, which includes cloud storage.

2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:

Augmented reality is one of the most advanced technologies used in m-Learning mobile applications. With this, you can implement artificial graphics in the physical environment.

Virtual reality is significantly more expensive than augmented reality and is not available to people. Virtual reality also creates an enhanced experience for users.

3. Databases:

The databases used in eLearning applications are MailChimp Integration, MongoDB, MYSQL, Firebase, etc.

4. Mobile Technologies:

React JS, Java, Ionic, Swift, XCode, and Android are used to create mobile applications.

5. UI / UX:

For UI and UX, HTML 5, CSS, Photoshop, Sketch, etc., they are used to design the UI model for an application.

6. Web Technologies:

Technologies like CakePHP, Laravel, WordPress will help developers to create their web application environment.

7. Javascript Structures:

The required frameworks are AngularJS and NodeJS.

Required Team:

Basic Team:

  • Team Manager
  • 1-2 programmer
  • QA
  • UI / UX Designer

Advanced Team:

  • Project manager
  • Team leaders
  • 3-5 programmers
  • Two back-end developers
  • 2 UI / UX developers
  • 2 QA
  • System administrator

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Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Tutor App

Building a successful tutoring app requires various carefully thought-out procedures to fulfill user demands and stand out in a crowded market. Here’s a step-by-step manual to assist you with the procedure:

How to Build a Tutor App

1. Define Your App’s Purpose

Defining your app’s purpose is the main objective, be it helping students connect with tutors, offering educational resources or facilitating online classes. A clear goal will direct your marketing and growth plans.

2. Conduct Market Research

Examine the available tutoring applications to find patterns, gaps, and opportunities. By knowing what consumers like and dislike about your competition, you may improve your app’s USP.

3. Outline Your App Features

Create a list of the key features that would improve the user experience for your app, such as scheduling choices, payment integration, user profiles and communication tools. This list should be based on your research. Features that meet user demands should be prioritized.

4. Create User Personas

Create thorough profiles of your target audience’s parents, tutors and students. By knowing their goals, demographics and pain concerns, you can better adapt your app to satisfy their needs.

5. Design the User Experience

Create an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface to optimize the user experience. Consider the user journey from onboarding to session scheduling and payment processing to ensure a flawless experience at every touchpoint.

6. Choose the Right Technology Stack

Choose the appropriate programming languages, frameworks, and tools that align with your app’s requirements. Consider factors such as security, scalability, and ease of integration with other services.

7. Create the App

Start the development process by transforming your designs into a functional application. Collaborate with skilled developers to ensure the code complies with industry standards and is clear and effective.

8. Conduct Testing

Conduct comprehensive testing to find and fix any bugs or usability problems. Perform user acceptability and functional testing to ensure your software satisfies quality requirements and offers a seamless user experience.

Looking to maximize your tutor app’s potential?

Contact us to optimize the performance and user experience of your app.

Wrapping Up:

So these were the 15 outstanding features to make your on-demand tutor app successful. If you follow these mixed with your innovative ideas, you can rule the eLearning world.

But owning and maintaining an eLearning business is a difficult task. You must take care of every little detail because you are dealing with future stars. So when choosing developers to build your mobile learning mobile app, look for a trusted mobile app development company.

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