Feeling the blues after a traffic drop? You’re not alone! 

Google core updates in 2024 are impacting businesses that rely on organic traffic, especially given Google’s dominance in web searches, accounting for nearly 92% of all searches.

Some businesses see significant drops in website traffic after a core update, which can seriously affect their profitability.

But here’s the good news – there are steps you can take to improve your situation and boost your site’s rankings again. In this post, we’ll discuss how your website can recover from Google March 2024 update.

But before diving into that, let’s discuss the Google Core update 2024.

The March Update: A Story of Quality

Ever feel like the internet is overflowing with junk? 

Well, Google feels the same way, and that’s why they just finished a major update to clean things up! 

This update called the March 2024 core update, aimed to reduce low-quality content and make search results more helpful for everyone. 

Let’s break it down and see what it means for you.

The March Update A Story of Quality

Update Done! (But We Didn’t Hear About It Until Later…)

The Google March 2024 update rolled out between March 5th and April 19th, 2024. 

That’s a big change! 

Here’s the weird part – Google didn’t actually tell everyone it was finished until a whole month later! 

Why the secrecy? 

We don’t quite know, but they did assure us they’re always working to improve search and appreciate feedback from users like you.

45% Less Garbage! (But What Does That Mean?)

The main goal of Google Core update 2024 was to reduce low-quality content, such as articles written to trick search engines.  

Originally, Google expected a 40% reduction in this kind of junk. 

But guess what? 

They did even better! 

Now, Google says search results will have 45% less low-quality content. 

That’s a win for everyone who wants to find good info online or those who write quality content intending to be found on Google!

So, what kind of content did Google target? Here are some things they wanted to reduce:

  • Articles that are just fluff and don’t give you any real answers.
  • Websites that are created to match specific search terms and do not provide valuable information.
  • Content that was written by a robot, not a real person.

Did your site get caught in the crossfire? It’s hard to say for sure. 

This Google Core update 2024 was complex, and other things were going on at the same time. 

The low quality content update might be the reason why your traffic dropped around mid-March to April.

New Feedback Options! ️ 

(Let Google Know What You Think)

Google is always looking for ways to improve, and this Google March 2024 update is no exception. 

They’ve added a new way for you to give them feedback on specific ranking changes you’ve noticed on your site. 

This can help them understand how their updates affect real websites and make adjustments in the future.

Ever felt like Google’s updates are a mystery? Now you have a way to tell them directly! 

Let them know what’s working and what’s not.

Google has introduced a new where you can submit site ranking changes for a closer review by the Google Search team.

It Was a Busy Month for Google! 

(So Many Updates!)

Here’s the thing – the March 2024 core update wasn’t the only change Google made that month. 

They also rolled out a separate spam update and tweaked how they measure website speed. 

With all this happening at once, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what might have affected your site.

Feeling overwhelmed by all the Google updates? 

We’re feeling it, too! 

But at least they’re trying to improve search, right? 

Here’s the good part – these updates should all work together to improve search results.

Helpful Content Update Gets Absorbed! 

(The Helpful Content System Folds into the Core Update)

Remember the September 2023 helpful content update? 

That update aimed to reward websites that create content that’s helpful to people. 

Well, with the March 2024 update, the helpful content system is now officially part of the core ranking system. 

This means Google will always consider how helpful your content is when ranking your site in search results.

So, what kind of content does Google consider helpful? 

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Content that is informative and answers users’ questions.
  • Content is written by experts or people with real knowledge of the topic.
  • Content that is well-written and easy to understand.
  • Content that provides value to the reader, not just tries to sell them something.

Turning the Tables: Recovering from a Core Update

Google has suggested that it’s possible to recover from a core update by creating helpful, reliable, people-first content. 

Have you heard the latest Google algorithm update news?

According to John Mueller from Google, incremental improvements to your site can help you regain lost rankings.

Although Google keeps its algorithms secret, based on our research and experience, here are steps that can help improve your site over time:

1. Stay Calm & Strategize

If your website traffic suddenly drops, feeling a bit stressed is normal. But rushing to make changes can backfire. 

Let’s take it easy:

Stay Calm 

Google updates take time to settle. Changes are often temporary. 

Ever heard of the ‘Google Dance’? 

It’s when search results get a bit wild and then settle down.

Wait & Watch 

Give it a couple of weeks. 

Your traffic might bounce back on its own. 

Have you checked Google’s official updates page or Twitter for info on these updates? 

It’s handy!

2. Use Data to Identify Content That Needs Improvement



Once the low-quality content update settles, let’s dig into the data:

Track the Damage – 

Tools like Ahrefs or Semrush can show you which pages took the biggest hit. 

Google’s Search Console or Analytics can also help spot pages with big traffic drops.

3. Improve the Relevance of Your Pages

Let’s make your content more relevant:

Update Your Content 

Keep things fresh. Google loves updated information. 

Have you heard of Google’s ‘Caffeine’ algorithm

It values fresh, accurate content.

Go In-depth 

Detailed content performs better. Dive deep into topics. 

Do your competitors cover aspects you missed? 

It’s good to check.

Write for Humans 

Be helpful and accurate. People first, not just search engines.

Would you bookmark or share your content? 

It should be that good!

Tip – Try User Testing 

Get feedback from your audience. It can help you spot areas for improvement. 

Ever asked your readers what they think of your content? 

Their feedback can be gold!

Sense-check Your Pages

Ask yourself these questions to improve your content:

  • Does your content provide original information or analysis?
  • Is it comprehensive and easy to understand?
  • Does it offer insights beyond the obvious?
  • Is your content well-researched and accurate? 

Answering these honestly can guide you to make meaningful improvements.

4. Boost Your Page’s Authority

Hey, let’s talk about making your page more trustworthy and authoritative! 

There are two main things to focus on:

Improve ‘On-Page’ Authority

Here’s how you can make your content stand out:

Improve 'On Page' Authority

  • Secure Website 

Make sure your content is hosted on a safe and secure ‘https’ website.

Have you checked if your site is secure? 

It’s important for gaining trust.

  • Author Clarity 

Be clear about who wrote the content and provide a link to their bio. 

Do readers know who’s behind the content? 

It builds credibility!

  • Quality Content 

Ensure your content is accurate, easy to understand, and deep. 

Is your content informative and error-free? 

That’s key to gaining authority.

  • Expert Contributors 

Get content from established writers or experts in your field. 

Working with experienced writers adds credibility to your content.

  • Back It Up 

Support your claims with references and links to trustworthy sources. 

Do you provide evidence for your claims? 

It helps build trust with readers.

  • Research & Cite 

Conduct your research and mention it in your content. 

Have you done your own research on the topic? 

It adds credibility!

Improve ‘Off-Page’ Authority

Now, let’s boost your page’s credibility beyond its content:

Improve 'Off Page' Authority

  • Quality Backlinks 

Get links from reputable websites to show your content is trusted. 

Are other trusted sites linking to yours? 

It can boost your page’s authority.

  • Be Link-Worthy 

Focus on quality content over spammy link-building tactics. 

Are you creating content worth sharing? 

Quality matters more than quantity.

  • Brand Mentions 

Get people talking about your brand on social media and other platforms. 

Are people mentioning your brand online? 

It can improve your authority!

  • Guest Blogging 

Contribute to high-quality blogs to showcase your expertise. 

Have you considered guest blogging on reputable sites? 

It can boost your authority.

5. Conduct Competitor Analysis

Learn from your competitors to improve your content:

What’s Working for Them? 

Use tools like Semrush to see what keywords and links they’re using. 

Ever wondered why your competitors are ranking higher? Let’s find out!

Insights for Improvement 

Analyze competitor strategies to enhance your content. 

Are there ways you can improve your content based on what competitors are doing?

6. Revisit Your Technical SEO Basics

Improve your site’s technical setup for a better user experience:

User-Friendly Design 

Ensure your site loads quickly, works well on mobile, and is easy to navigate. 

Do users find your site easy to use? 

It can impact how trustworthy your content appears.

Optimize Key Elements 

Focus on page loading times, headings, and internal links. 

How’s your site’s performance? 

Optimizing these areas can make a big difference!

7. Offset Traffic Loss with New Content

Consider publishing fresh, high-quality content to regain traffic:

Create Valuable Content 

Write about topics people are searching for. 

What topics are trending in your niche? 

Let’s create content that stands out!

Establish Expertise 

Dive deep into topics to establish authority. 

Want to be seen as an expert? 

Cover topics thoroughly and accurately!

The next update, Google May update, is anticipated to introduce significant changes to search rankings, impacting website visibility and traffic. To stay informed about the Google next update, check out our latest blog for insights and recommendations.

The Takeaway: Embrace the Update, Embrace the Growth

Completing Google’s March 2024 core update brings relief and curiosity to website owners and SEO enthusiasts. 

Many are noticing shifts in search rankings, with Google reporting a significant reduction in low-quality content. 

While some sites may have seen improvements, others might wonder how to recover if they’ve been negatively impacted. Remember, Google focuses on delivering helpful, relevant results to users. 

Moving forward, it’s crucial to prioritize creating content that satisfies user intent rather than solely focusing on SEO tactics. Keep an eye on your rankings, stay informed about future Google updates, and continue to provide valuable content for your audience. 

Adapting to Google’s evolving algorithms is all about putting users first!

If you need help recovering from a negative impact or crafting a user-centric content strategy, PixelCrayons can be your guide.

Our SEO experts can analyze your website, identify areas for improvement, and create content that resonates with your audience and climbs the search rankings.

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