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Maintained by Facebook, Instagram and a big community of individual developers and corporations, React is one of the most sought after JavaScript libraries at present. According to JavaScript analytics service Libscore, at present React is being used on the websites of Imgur, Netflix, Feedly, Bleacher Report, Airbnb, HelloSign, SeatGeek, Walmart, to name a few. Read in this blog, ReactJS Vs React Nativ.

React native app development is quite similar to ReactJS development services, but there are certain differences you need to know. In this blog post, I’ll explain the main differences between these two programming languages.

Read More: Angular vs React vs JQuery vs Titanium vs PhoneGap

Introduction About ReactJS

ReactJS development (sometimes referred to as React.js or ReactJS) is a Javascript library that helps to create fast user interfaces. One of the best features of ReactJS is that it can perform on the client side as well as can be rendered on the server side, and they can work together interoperable. It is widely used for building web applications and user interfaces.

React Usage Statistics

Business Benefits of working with React:

1. It Gives High-Performing Websites

Out of the box React uses patterns that renders it somewhat hard to come up with poor code quality to boot, since it eliminates direct interaction with the DOM, it does not just replace associate existing view layer like AngularJS development services, but also removes the necessity for a variety of dependencies like jQuery which may lead to a lower size of the final codebase.

2. It Facilitates Migration

React can be injected into a very limited section on any existing page notwithstanding of how it is already been functioning and design. Which is what permits web app developers to migrate as quickly or slowly as they would like. However, it is crucial to note that React needs a runtime library to run efficiently; thus, slower and gradual migration has a somewhat negative impact on page weight until deprecated previous libraries are deleted.

3. It Ensures Code Reusability

React is special in its ability to offer great performance in addition to a completely managed rendering cycle for its components; this dramatically improves individual developer’s efficiency. By setting up the creation, distribution, and consumption of isolated reusable parts in a much simpler way, it enables developers to have more time to use and create common abstractions. It proves true for lower level parts like clickable buttons and higher level parts like dropdowns.

4. It Improves the SEO of Your Web App 

Improved largely by having a totally rendered page from the server to the browser. React was designed with this kind of optimization in mind. It uses Node to render on the client of the server. Similar tools do provide this server-aspect for rendering, however, they need a lot of unstable hacks and a considerable quantity of developer support to keep up. React JS has the potential to modify build tooling and scale back maintenance budgets.

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5. It combines Technologies Better

React mixes HTML and JavaScript following the principle that they go along all the time. Separating them is more akin to separating technologies than considerations. This idea is extended more to incorporate CSS, which removes a myriad of problems related to CSS development such as global namespace, and scope/variable isolation.

6. It improves Debugging Speed

Browser Developer tools unique to React JS development services have been set up by Facebook in order to provide data regarding what exact section and what snippet of code was called on to generate every specific bit of UI. This facilitates the process of looking for errors and simply makes a developer’s life a little easier.

7. Easy to Learn & Test 

As it’s now customary in most current tools, Models representing data and Views displaying data are wired along to provide rich UI interactions. React’s Elementary abstraction, the component, takes in data and outputs an illustration of the Document Object Model with no further adverse effects. This allows developers not to rely on consumption, instead of allowing users to create states in the DOM making React components easier to break down and test.

About React Native

React Native is a mobile framework that compiles to native mobile app components, allowing you to build native mobile applications (iOS, Android, and Windows) in JavaScript. React Native libraries were announced by Facebook in 2015 providing the React architecture to native iOS, Android, and Windows applications.

Business Benefits of React Native:

1. It’s Got IOS and Android Covered

Initially, Facebook developed React Native only to support iOS. However, with its recent support of the Android operating system, the library can now render mobile UIs for both platforms. Facebook used React Native to build its own Ads Manager app, creating both an iOS and an Android version. Both versions were built by the same team of developers.

Facebook also made React Native open-source, with the idea that compatibility with other platforms like Windows or tvOS could be worked on by the development community, so stay tuned.

2. Reusable Components Allow Hybrid Apps to Render Natively

Gone are the Webview components of other hybrid mobile apps. This is possible because React Native’s building blocks are reusable “native components” that compile directly to native. Components you’d use in iOS or Android have counterparts right in React, so you’ll get a consistent look and feel.

This component-based structure also allows you to build apps with a more agile, web-style approach to development than typical hybrid frameworks, but without any web at all. The app will have the speed, look, and functionality of a native mobile application.

3. Apply React Native UI Components to an Existing App’s Code—Without Any Rewriting

It is a massive bonus for businesses that want to augment an existing app but don’t want to overhaul it. You can easily incorporate native components into your app’s code by hiring React Native developers. Or, if your existing hybrid app was built with Cordova and Ionic, developers can reuse that Cordova-based code efficiently with a plugin.

4. It’s One of the Top Mobile Javascript Frameworks Among Developers—and Growing

If you know JavaScript, React Native is a quick pick-up, essentially allowing any front-end web developer to be a mobile developer on the spot. No need to learn iOS’s Swift or Java for Android—just know JavaScript, some native UI elements, platform APIs, and any other platform-specific design patterns and you’re good to go. Also included in React Native’s library are Flexbox CSS styling, inline styling, debugging, and support deploying to either the App Store or Google Play.

React is still new, but it’s maturing quickly and Facebook has stated it plans to continue investing in its growth.

Also Read: Angular vs. React – Choose the Ideal Framework

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5. React Native is all about the UI

React Native app development is focused solely on building a mobile UI. Compared with JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS or MeteorJS, React Native is UI-focused, making it more like a JavaScript library than a framework. The resulting UI is highly responsive and feels fluid thanks to asynchronous JavaScript interactions with the native environment. This means the app will have quicker load times than a typical hybrid app, and a smoother feel.

6. Native App Development is Much More Efficient

Whereas react native app development is usually associated with inefficiency, less developer productivity, and slower time to deployment, React Native is all about bringing the speed and agility of web app development to the hybrid space—with native results.

Under-React Native’s hood is Facebook’s popular ReactJS UI library for web applications. React Native brings all of ReactJS’s better app performance, DOM abstraction, and simplified programming methods to hybrid mobile development.

7. It Offers Third-Party Plugin Compatibility, Less Memory Usage, and a Smoother Experience

Third-party plugins mean you won’t have to rely on a WebView for certain functions. For example, if you’re adding Google Maps functionality to your app, React Native lets you link the plugin with a native module, so you can link the map up with the device’s functions like zoom, rotate, and the compass, while using less memory and loading faster. If your app supports older operating systems (and older devices), this can help you keep the app running smoothly.

Also Read: Firebase vs. Meteor vs. MEAN

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Question: Which is a Better Option, React or React Native?

Answer: React is a library, while React Native is a JavaScript framework. They both provide users with a unique set of benefits. The ideal choice depends upon business needs.

For example, React offers a high level of security and greater control to the developer’s team.

In contrast, React Native offers faster development cycles and a simple learning curve. 

Question: Can React-Based Apps Run on Mobile devices?

Answer: Yes

Question: Which One is Easier to Learn, React or React Native?

Answer: React Native is easier to learn when compared to React.

Question: Which One is Suitable for Creating Web Apps?

Answer: React is more suitable for creating web apps.

Question: Which One is Suitable for Creating Mobile Apps?

Answer: React Native is more suitable for creating mobile apps.

Question: Which Apps Have Been Created Using React & React Native?

Answer: Some of the tops apps created using React are as follows:

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Whatsapp
  • Dropbox

Similarly, multiple renowned apps have been created using React Native. The notable ones include the following:

  • Instagram
  • Skype
  • Airbnb
  • Uber Eats


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  • Extensive Experience: 14+ years in developing and implementing white-label solutions across various industries.
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  • Technology Focus: Experienced in cloud solutions, data analytics, and machine learning to drive operational efficiency and growth.
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