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Maximize Your Online Visibility with PPC

Feeling the pressure to launch your startup but worried about reaching customers?

Everyone knows building a brand from scratch is exciting, but getting noticed can be a real challenge, especially when your marketing budget feels tiny.

That’s why we put together this guide for you!

Here, we will discuss how PPC (pay-per-click) advertising can be your key approach to attracting customers without shaking your budget.

We will show you why PPC is a must-have for startups and share some tricks to run cost-effective campaigns that get you amazing results.

Why PPC is a Must-Have for Startups?

Building a brand from scratch is exciting but comes with its fair share of challenges. Let’s see how PPC (pay-per-click) advertising can be a game-changer for your startup:

A. Get Seen by the Right People, Fast

Traditionally, we all know that building brand awareness takes time.

PPC lets you target your ideal customers with a laser focus on search engines like Google. It means your ads appear right when people search for products or services like yours. And guess what! You get Instant visibility.

Why PPC is a Must Have for Startups

B. Limited Budget? No Problem!

Unlike traditional advertising with significant upfront costs, PPC is super flexible.

You can decide how much you want to spend each day or in total for your Google Ads. That way, you always know how much money you’re using. And, you know the best part?

You only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad! So, it’s a smart way to reach new people without breaking the bank.

C. See Real Results, Not Just Hopes

Ever feel like you’re throwing marketing ideas at the wall, hoping something sticks?

PPC offers clear data and insights. You can track clicks, website sales, or signups (conversions) and see how your ad spend performs. This lets you adjust your campaigns and focus your budget on what’s working best.

D. Stay Ahead of the Competition

The online space is crowded, and your competitors are probably using PPC, too. By running your well-managed PPC marketing campaigns, you can ensure your brand shows up alongside theirs, giving you a fighting chance to win over new customers.

E. Test & Learn Like a Marketing Pro

PPC is constantly evolving, which means you can be too!

You can test different ad copy, keywords, and landing pages to see what resonates best with your audience. This “test and learn” approach helps you refine your marketing strategy and get even better results over time.

Want to make sure your PPC campaigns are set up for success? Check out our guide to PPC Campaign Essentials!

So, PPC is a powerful tool, right? But how do you run effective campaigns without breaking the bank?

In the next section, we’ll explore the practical strategies to create a cost-effective PPC campaign that gets you the most bang for your buck.

Strategies to Create a Cost-effective PPC Campaign

PPC advertising can be a game-changer for startup businesses, but keeping costs in check can feel tricky.

Strategies to Create a Cost Effective PPC Campaign (1)

Let’s explore some strategies that can help you run cost-effective PPC campaigns and get the most out of your investment.

1. Block Irrelevant Clicks with Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are an important element for cost-effective PPC campaigns. They help you avoid wasting money on clicks from people who aren’t interested in what you’re selling.

It’s like putting a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your ads!

Let’s say you’re a New York bookkeeping software company. In that case, you might want to filter out some search terms people use that you don’t want to pay for, such as “free accounting software,” “accounting packages,” or “bookkeeping certification.”

Steps to be taken…

  • Start by identifying common irrelevant search terms that might trigger your ads.
  • Add those identified terms to your negative keyword list within your Google Ads campaigns.
  • Monitor your search term reports and add new negative keywords as needed.

This will guarantee that your ads are only shown to genuinely interested people in your product or service, saving you money and improving your PPC campaign performance.

NOTE: The cost of PPC campaigns can vary, but you can expect to pay around $1 to $5 per click, depending on the keywords and industry.

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2. Separate Networks by Campaign

When you set up your Google Ads campaigns, Google recommends running your ads on both the Search and Display Networks. While this can reach a wider audience, it can also be a costly strategy. A more cost-effective approach is to separate your campaigns by network.

Why? Because each network targets different audiences with different goals.

  • Search Network: This is where you’ll find text-based ads on Google Search. It’s a great way to target users who are actively searching for specific products or services.
  • Display Network: This network reaches users across many websites and apps through image, video, and text ads. It’s a great way to build brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Steps to be taken…

  • Set up separate campaigns for each network.
  • Make your bids and targeting match each network’s goal.
  • Track the performance of each campaign to see which network is delivering the best results.
  • By separating your campaigns, you can more effectively target your audience and allocate your Google Ads budget more wisely.

ALSO READ: Curious about what’s hot in PPC right now? Discover the latest PPC trends to watch in our blog post!

3. Don’t “Set It and Forget It”

It’s essential to think of your PPC advertising campaign as a living, breathing thing that needs constant care and attention. This means monitoring your campaigns regularly and making adjustments as needed.

Steps to be taken…

  • Monitor your campaigns at least weekly, if not daily.
  • Track your average position, which tells you how your ads are ranking compared to your competitors.
  • Adjust bids to improve your ad position and reach more potential customers.
  • Add new negative keywords to refine your targeting and reduce irrelevant clicks.
  • Test new ad copy to find what converts best.
  • By actively managing your campaigns, you can ensure that they are performing at their peak and delivering a strong return on investment.

4. Only Advertise Where You Can Deliver

As a startup, it’s crucial to be strategic about where you spend your PPC ad dollars. You can use location targeting to limit the areas or regions where your ads are eligible to show.

Steps to be taken…

  • Identify your target market. Are you focusing on local customers or a national audience?
  • Use location targeting to make sure your ads are shown only in relevant areas.
  • Adjust your targeting settings as your business expands.
  • This can save you money by avoiding irrelevant clicks and ensuring your ads reach the right people.

5. Expand Your Ideas

We all know that mobile search is taking over.

But have you considered the rise of voice search (Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa)? People increasingly use voice search to find information and make purchases, and optimizing your website for this growing trend is important.

Steps to be taken…

  • Use natural language in your content, as if you were talking to someone.
  • Include FAQs on your website to address common questions that people might ask via voice search.
  • Use long-tail keywords that reflect how people might conversationally phrase their search queries.
  • Think about how your target audience might ask questions related to your business.

For example, instead of searching for “best accounting software,” someone might ask, “What is the best accounting software for small businesses?” or “Where can I find the best online accounting software?”

By understanding how people use voice search and optimizing your website accordingly, you can tap into a growing market and reach a broader audience.

ALSO READ: Looking for the best PPC companies to help you grow? We’ve compiled a list of the top PPC companies to consider.

Get 3x More Leads with Targeted PPC

Grab the power of laser-focused PPC campaigns to generate high-quality leads and drive conversions.

What Goes Into Your PPC Budget

You know that PPC budgeting is an ongoing process.

That’s why it is important to understand the basics of budgeting to make sure you’re getting the most from your investment. Let’s have a look at the breakdown of the key components:

Bid Amounts

This is how much you are willing to pay for each click on your ad. The concept is like a bidding war, and the price can change based on how competitive the keywords are, your industry, and how valuable a click is to your business.

Campaign Duration

How long will your ads run? Your budget should cover the entire duration of your campaign so you don’t run out of money before you get the results you want.

Ad Platforms

Different platforms, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media ads, have different cost structures. You need to consider where your target audience hangs out frequently and allocate your budget accordingly.

Platform Average CPC
LinkedIn Ads $5.26
Google Ads (search) $2.69
Bing Ads $1.54
Amazon Ads $0.91
Facebook Ads $0.83
Google Ads (display) $0.63

Keyword Selection

The words you choose for your ads are really important! They decide how much you pay and how well your ads work. Some popular keywords can be very expensive, so you need to think carefully about which ones will bring you the best results.

Keyword Selection

ALSO READ: Learn how to create a winning digital marketing strategy that combines SEO and PPC in our blog post!

Ad Quality & Relevance-

It’s not just about spending money; it’s about spending it wisely. The quality and relevance of your ads to users will affect the cost of each click.

The better your ads, the lower the cost.

Testing & Optimization

Don’t just set up your ads and forget about them.

You need to experiment and learn! A portion of your budget should be set aside for A/B testing things like headlines, descriptions, and landing pages to see what works best.

Tip: Using AI-optimized PPC campaigns can help startups spend their advertising dollars more wisely and get the most out of their budget.

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To Conclude

So, the above discussion covered some key strategies or tricks for running cost-effective PPC campaigns.

Here, the catch is all about being focused, smart, and adaptable. It is not about throwing money at ads and hoping for the best. It is about using data, testing, and learning to maximize your return on investment.

Want to take your PPC marketing to a competitive level? PixelCrayons can help! We’re experts in crafting and managing PPC campaigns that deliver results. We will work with you to create a customized strategy for your budget and goals.

Hire PPC experts from us to make your ads work harder and get more customers.

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